Warm days. Cool nights. Fall will be here in a blaze of spectacular color. Visiting the Iron County area will provide you with ATV/UTV trails that offer the best scenic vistas, waterfalls that are beautiful photo opportunities and roads that beckon you to slow down and take in the beauty.
There are many hunting opportunities throughout the county. The large expanses of remote public lands give the adventurous room to roam. The continuous forest of Iron County may reduce the carrying capacity for some game species, but the large acreage and the lower density of hunters makes for ideal hunting.
Hunter walking trails are found throughout the area. The Montreal and Uller cross country ski trails make for great hunter walking trails. Logging roads provide excellent walking trails for hunters, some may be gated or bermed to prevent vehicle access. To find all areas to explore detailed Sportsman’s Maps are available to guide you through our lakes for the best adventures.
Plan a trip up north and experience over 200 miles of trails to ride. Start your day in Hurley and map a route to see Lake Superior, Weber Lake, Upson Falls, Corrigan’s Lookout and many other unique areas. To request a trail map, call our office 715-561-4334.
As September draws to a close, the days get shorter and nature prepares itself for winter. The lack of light and water during the winter months requires the trees to go into a rest mode. As the green fades, the leaves show other colors. The brilliance of the colors we see in fall depends on the weather conditions. The brightest colors are seen when late summer is dry and autumn has bright sunny days, with cool evenings. Rain will keep the leaves on the trees longer and help enhance the color. Our area hardwood forests show spectacular color with many opportunities to view beautiful vistas, lakes and waterfalls. Contact our office for a brochure to guide you along some blacktop roads to view the scenery.
After a day of adventure be sure to stop at any of the local establishments. A variety of cuisine is available from fresh homemade pastas and pizzas to prime rib or a fresh hand packed burger, the locally owned bars/ restaurants specialize in fantastic food and friendly service.
Plan a getaway and enjoy our local heritage
There’s still plenty of time to explore the Iron County Historical Society Museum, open Mondays- Wednesdays- Fridays- Saturdays from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm. The museum holds 3 floors of history relating to Hurley and the early years of mining, logging and infamous Silver Street.
Join us soon in Iron County! www.hurleywi.com ; www.ironcountywi.com